About Seva
In the late 1970’s a group inspired by the teachings of Hilda Charlton, who taught The Art of Living at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, initiated plans to build a school where people could learn skills for living in harmony with the environment and with one another.
Hilda Charlton was an extraordinary teacher who inspired all who were in her presence to become their best selves. Her course was named “The Art of Living” but her students called it Life 101. Hilda taught that the vital goal for living on this earth is to be in harmony with oneself, one’s family, with others and the environment. This goal is elusive and difficult for most of us. At SEVA, we endeavor to understand and put into action Hilda’s very humorous, very heavenly and very practical lessons for life.
In 1980 the present site of the school, in South Kortright, New York was purchased. Building began inspired with the concept of students learning by doing as a way of fostering harmonious and healthful living, environmental awareness, and vocational development. Under the direction of professional architects and builders, students learned skills that enabled them to build the school and to provide themselves with marketable talents. Many of these initial students became builders, renovators, cabinet and furniture makers, or learned the basics of home maintenance. SEVA students planted vegetable gardens, medicinal herbs, flowers and trees. A healthful living program promoted the benefits of vegetarian cooking, herb preparation, and alternative healing modalities. Over the years SEVA has revised and expanded its programs to include yoga, meditation, and a variety of stress management techniques.
In 2006 a second building phase completed an auditorium, housing, and student housing allowing for larger and longer classes, seminars, and retreats. SEVA now offers an exciting program of one-day courses, weekend workshops, and longer retreats by invited teachers and facilitators. SEVA’s success stems from a synthesis of down-to-earth building and gardening projects, and healthful and soul-enriching seminars and retreats.
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